Top rating for NBR from 2011 to 2016

Only 3.3% of the audited German companies receive grade “1” from the credit rating agency Hoppenstedt which today is Bisnode. NBR is among them.

Bisnode evaluates the creditworthiness, as well as the perfect representation of business processes. Over 650 million invoice information from the world's largest payment experience pool serve as the basis for evaluation.
The award "Bisnode Bonitätszertifikat" is nationally known and recognized, and gives customers, suppliers and business partners an additional signal in the assessment and evaluation of the strength and reliability of a company.

Once again NBR fulfils the criteria of eligibility (Notenbankfähigkeit)

The German Bundesbank has examined the creditworthiness of the NBR Gehäuse- und Wälzlager GmbH and granted the eligibility (Notenbankfähigkeit) in 2012 and 2013!